Friday, November 14, 2008

Isn't it interesting how just about EVERYTHING has gone to the computer now? Just recently I joined Facebook & began to get in contact with friends I have not heard from in years.

Some I went to College with @ Oklahoma Christian, some I went to High School with @ Tulsa East Central, some I worked with @ Sam's Club in Springfield, Missouri, some I went to church with back in Tulsa & some I worked with some 20 years ago!

I really enjoy the fact that I can now keep up with them by just turning on the computer & with the click of my mouse look @ what they are up to and more importantly see their KIDS!

It is so amazing how we have all grown up now. We have KIDS! I am 39 years old ( just a few more months until I hit 40!) but I still feel like I am 18 in my MIND! Man I wish I felt 18 again for my activities! Kids are the greatest thing about my life to this point. They are a spitting image of myself & my wife & they are just so dadgum cute.

My boys are great kids, but @ times they remind me of how I used to act as a kid. I can remember my mom telling me I would have kids of my own someday that would drive me nuts like I did her.....she was right! They do drive me nuts sometimes, but they are the best gift God could ever give me. My little girl is just the sweetest thing.

This is my first blog & I hope to make more. I just don't know really what to talk about. I guess we will see.......

Until Later,


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